Full Body Training - The Foundation Programme

Sale Price:£14.99 Original Price:£24.99

  • 10 week repeatable programme

  • Full body training split

  • Three core training blocks subdivided further into 1-2 week blocks

  • Exercise substitutions

  • FAQs

  • 43 pages total

  • Direct link from contents to the programme (so you don’t have to scroll)


This is a periodised full body training programme for hypertrophy, aimed at those with less than 12-18 months lifting experience, or those who have never followed a training programme before.

The programme is 10 weeks long, but is intended to be repeatable. The 10 weeks are divided into 1-2 week training blocks, each with a varying level volume, intensity and exercise selection.

Each training block builds on the work of the previous one, working from a manageable starting point all the way to a demanding final training block.